I know, two updates in one week! I'm on top of my game. I have internet in my room, but it could be cancelled at anytime and then it'll be a week or two before it is back. Therefore, I want to put down all my thoughts as they come to me. There isn't any changes in my life. Just school, sleep, repeat. I am skyping fairly regularly with my parents and that is such a blessing! I get to see their faces, hear about their lives, and watch them interact. I love technology!
For the past six weeks in Korea, I have been experiencing many emotions. At times, I can't decide if I'm in culture shock or so used to the way of life that everything passes by me. Over the past six weeks I have been making an unoffical list in my head of everything that I love in Korea and everything I miss about home. Now is the time to make those lists offical and put them in this blog. I'll start with the sad first to get that out of the way.
Things I miss about home:
-My friends and family. Obvious, but needs to be said.
-My doggies. Poor Lexie and Lucy :( I hope they remember me!
-My car. It's offical, the taurus was sold last weekend.
-My own bed. I worked hard and spent many moneys to have a comfortable bed and now I'm sleeping on a box spring pretending to be a mattress.
-Riding in car. I love walking and living the city life of subways and taxis, but a car is just so convienent!
-FOOD! Korea has amazing food if it's Korean food, but a girl needs a good cheeseburger now and then!
-Meijer. I miss going into a store and knowing exactly where everything is.
-Talking to anyone I please. Other than saying "hello", "thank you", and "goodbye" speaking to people is pretty limited.
-Carpet! I have not walked on carpet since coming to Korea.
-Traffic signs. People just don't abide by them. I have been close to being hit by a car and I had the walk the sign!
-Not being stared at. Seems flattering at first, but sometimes I want to yell "Yes I have blonde hair and I am foreign! Take a picture, it lasts longer!"
-My Wardrobe. I didn't pack enough clothes and I think about all the things I have at home that I should have brought!
-Clothes Dryer. Not many people have dryers in Korea and just hang-dry everything! Such a pain sometimes!
-T.V. I could get cable if I wished, but would I understand anything? NO.
-An Oven. It's hard to imagine not baking for a year! I'm going to go crazy!
-Baseball :( enough said.
-Showering in an actual shower instead of the middle of the bathroom.
-MICHIGAN...I never realized how special Michigan and America was to me until I came here. I'm not comparing or dissing Korea by any means. But home is home no matter who you are. There will never be a place more beautiful or comforting than my hometown of Belmont, Michigan, USA.
Things I love about Korea:
-First an foremost, the people! I have been treated so kindly by most Korean people. They are so open to teaching foreigners about their country and they appreciate it if you respect their traditions.
-Restaurants. I love sitting on the floor, eating with chopsticks, and cooking my food in front of me.
-Iced Coffee. It's an addiction now.
-The moutains and beautiful countryside. The views are amazing!
-The small cars. I have yet to see an SUV or Astro Van in Korea.
-The cost of living. It's so cheap!
-ECC. I get to go to a job that I love everyday. How awesome is that?
-The Boys :) I don't mean this in a giggly-girly way, but honestly they don't make men like this in America. These boys are BEAutiful! I have found myself with my jaw dropped and standing still in the middle of the street just staring. They all look like rockstars.
-Shopping. Combine the cost of living (cheap) and my deal-finding skills and BAM! A new wardrobe in no time.
-Always something to do. No matter what day it is, there is always a festival or a show going on in Seoul or elsewhere.
-The Subway. So easy and convienent. When I first rode on it, I thought "Oh I'm going to end up in North Korea for sure." But now, I think I got the hang of it.
-The other foreign teachers. We have all been meshing very well and I feel like I have made friends that can help me through the hard times.
-Portion control. I don't just mean food, but everything. My fridge is tiny, but I realized I don't need a big one like back home. My room is tiny, but I live according to my means. That is just the way of life here.
-Korean Children. Always adorable and love staring at foreigners :)
-My students! My first day in Korea I was completely overwhelmed and unsure if I could do this for a year. The second I walked into my classroom, I felt like this is where I belong at this point in my life. I adore my kids and they make me feel so loved and special. I couldn't ask for anything more!
An offical list of things that make Mally a better roommate then chris:
ReplyDelete- Cookies, Chris has not had any since you left. Thank god for Jill's baking skills and USPS or he would go through withdrawls.
- A Shooping buddy. Chris will come with me but after the 5th store he gets very cranky.
- A Glee partner! I make him leave the room now and take his comments with him. Same goes for Teen Mom which he now refers to as Teen Whore.
- Someone to watch the girly movies with! Im all alone!
- Being able to borrow purses.
- Reminding me that things which come out of the oven are HOT!
- Skittles!
- A comfy bed that I can have my Therapy sessions on.
- Someone to die my hair.
Thats all I can think of right now but I am glad you are having fun! LOVE YA Meesh
No wonder you almost got hit by a car. You cant stop in the middle of a street and gawk at boys no matter where you are. Whats wrong with you girl! Despite all the "I miss home" stuff, sounds like you are having a great time, and you will soooo appreciate the experience later.
ReplyDeleteMeesh: HAHAHA Loved it and totally made my day! Poor Chris, but hey if he can't appreciate Teen Mom or Glee than he should leave the room! Those are prized shows and I miss them dearly!
ReplyDeleteAunt Rhoda: I never thought about that, but it makes sense! Gawking at beautiful boys and the traffic aren't a good mixture! I'll have to keep my gawking to the safe sidewalks instead :)