Sunday, December 5, 2010

Korean Randomness

Over the past 3 and 1/2 months (yes, it's been that long!) I've been taking random photos of hilarious products or posters that I've seen walking through the stores and streets. Korean products try to be cool and have English written on them. Apparently, the companies did not have a foreign or fluent English speaker proof read any of this stuff because it's either mispelled or translates to something funny. Here are a few things I've found :

Dick Stick? I think they meant to say "Dip Stick" but the foreigners can find this amusing at least!

Get Crunk, with the Crunky Bar! Pretty sure this is their attempted at "crunCH."

A1 or Ace+...Same thing :)

I would prefer the Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips from back home, but Kimchi flavored Sun Chips will suffice.

Here we go Michigan. We are "Natural Champions." Not National Champions, but Natural. It seems that Michigan gear is all over here. Not too sure why our state stands out among the 50, but Koreans love sporting the Michigan sweatshirts.

I have many other pictures and more to come! I always carry my camera with me for such discoveries. Hope all is well in Michigan! Keep being Natural Champions as we always are!