Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lu Lu Lu Lunar New Year

Dang, only the beginning of February and I'm on my second vacation this year! This week is the Lunar New Year holiday and apparently, one of the most celebrated holidays in Korea. We have 5 days off from "Ee She She" (ECC). This vacation creeped up on me because I didn't make any plans to go anywhere and now I'm stuck in Uijeongbu alone and bored. It's only the first day of break and I am already complaining! So far, I have gone to the dollar store and purchased 20,000 won in unnecessary things, organized boxes of junk, cleaned out my food cupboard, cleaned my bedroom, and did laundry. What am I possibly going to do for the next four days! I suppose I can venture out for a hike up the mountain or better yet, have an amazing adventure to Home Plus! Whooooaaa, Livin wild!

This month at ECC is going to be the busiest and most hectic month since I started working here. For many reasons and the most important being that the end of this month marks the end of the school year. Our 7 year old students will be graduating from Kindergarten and going off to Elementary school. And of course, graduation is an all out event that requires rehersal of scripts and memorizing songs and dances. This doesn't effect me so much, since I teach the 6 year old class, but the intensity and nervousness of graduation can be felt all over the school. Then next month starts the new school year which means some new students, new classes, major schedule changes and working late nights!

I've recently been bombarded with people writing about the snowstorm in Michigan. In a way, I'm kind of sad that I'm missing it. I have waited and waited for an actual STORM that cripples the city! No matter how much the news channels hype up the storms, Mother Nature never delievers. And NOW there is an actual winter crisis and I'm sitting in Korea in 45 degree weather, enjoying the sun and the start of spring. Oh wait, haha, not complaining anymore! Love you all! Stay safe 친구!

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